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Week of Well-Being – Connect

Day One – Connect

Stress, anxiety, depression are all more common than you think. Day one, ‘Connect’ is about checking in with your loved ones, and checking in with you. The winter months are hard for a lot of people each year and lockdown has only intensified feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Take a moment today to open up a conversation with someone you care about, this might be a quick phone call, a message, a surprise gift at their door. 

Today I checked in with friends, last year, like many, was a tough year for me. I was lucky to have the support of my friends and family, some of whom I haven’t been able to see. So today I spent a little time sending out some appreciation, checking in and listening.

Know that people care about you and people are listening, reach out to someone you trust and start your own conversation. Talk about what’s on your mind, or if you don’t know where to start why not try one of these: 

  • Tell a loved one you love them.
  • Reconnect with an old friend.
  • Check in with your grandparents. 
  • Turn off distractions and have dinner at the table with your household. 
  • Phone a family member.
  • Ask someone to go for a walk with you.
  • Set up a crazy zoom quiz with your friends.

In our household we make sure there is time for one another, we often have ‘phone free evenings’ where we can spend real quality time together, table meals and late night conversations allow for any worries to be talked about openly. 

If you are struggling know that you aren’t alone and there are lots of resources to help you, including a friend here at Saxons.

Samaritans –